Chicken Tikka Masala is a popular Indian dish known for its rich and flavorful sauce. Here's a recipe to make Chicken Tikka Masala:


For the chicken marinade:

1-1.5 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces

2-1 cup plain yogurt

3-2 tablespoons lemon juice

4-2 teaspoons ground cumin

5-2 teaspoons ground paprika

6-2 teaspoons ground coriander

7-1 teaspoon ground turmeric

8-1 teaspoon garam masala

9-1 teaspoon ground ginger

10-2 cloves garlic, minced

11-Salt, to taste

For the sauce:

1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil

2-1 large onion, finely chopped

3-3 cloves garlic, minced

4-1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger

5-2 teaspoons ground cumin

6-2 teaspoons ground coriander

7-2 teaspoons ground paprika

8-1 teaspoon ground turmeric

9-1 teaspoon garam masala

10-1/2 teaspoon chili powder (adjust according to your spice preference)

11-1 can (14 ounces) diced tomatoes

12-1 cup heavy cream

13-Salt, to taste

14-Fresh cilantro, for garnish


*In a bowl, combine the yogurt, lemon juice, cumin, paprika, coriander, turmeric, garam   masala, ground ginger, minced garlic, and salt to make the marinade.

*Add the chicken pieces to the marinade, making sure they are well coated. Cover and   refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or preferably overnight.

*Preheat your grill or broiler to medium-high heat. If using a grill, thread the marinated   chicken onto skewers.

*Cook the chicken on the grill or under the broiler for about 8-10 minutes, or until cooked   through and slightly charred. Set aside.

*In a large skillet or pan, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion   and cook until softened and golden brown.

*Add the minced garlic and grated ginger to the skillet and cook for another minute,   stirring  continuously.

*Add the cumin, coriander, paprika, turmeric, garam masala, and chili powder to the skillet.   Cook for about 1 minute to toast the spices and release their flavors.

*Stir in the diced tomatoes (with their juices) and cook for about 5 minutes, allowing the   flavors to meld together.

*Use an immersion blender or transfer the tomato mixture to a blender to puree it until   smooth.

*Return the sauce to the skillet and add the cooked chicken pieces. Stir to coat the chicken   with the sauce.

*Pour in the heavy cream and simmer for 10-15 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld and   the sauce to thicken slightly. Adjust the seasoning with salt as needed.

*Garnish with fresh cilantro and serve the Chicken Tikka Masala over steamed rice or with   naan bread.

Enjoy your homemade Chicken Tikka Masala! This flavorful dish pairs perfectly with rice or naan, and is sure to impress your family or guests with its aromatic spices and creamy sauce.

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