Labneh is a creamy and tangy Middle Eastern strained yogurt cheese that is easy to make and delicious to enjoy as a dip, spread, or in various recipes. Here's a simple recipe to make Labneh:


1-4 cups plain yogurt (full-fat is recommended)

2-1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)

3-Olive oil (for serving)

4-Optional seasonings and herbs for flavoring (such as dried mint, za'atar, or fresh herbs like parsley or dill)


1-Cheesecloth or muslin cloth



4-Step-by-Step Process:

Strain the yogurt:

Place a colander over a bowl.

Line the colander with a cheesecloth or muslin cloth, ensuring that it covers the entire surface area.

Mix the yogurt and salt (optional):

In a separate bowl, mix the plain yogurt with salt (if using) until well combined.

Transfer the yogurt to the cheesecloth:

Pour the yogurt mixture into the cheesecloth-lined colander.

Strain the yogurt:

Gather the ends of the cheesecloth and tie them together to create a bundle.

Hang the bundle over the colander and place it in the refrigerator.

Let the yogurt strain for at least 12-24 hours, or longer if you prefer a thicker consistency. The longer it strains, the thicker the Labneh will become.

Remove excess liquid:

After the desired straining time, remove the Labneh from the refrigerator.

Carefully untie the cheesecloth bundle and transfer the strained Labneh into a bowl.

Discard the liquid that has collected in the bowl.

Flavor and store:

At this stage, you can leave the Labneh plain or add flavorings and herbs to enhance the taste.

Mix in any desired seasonings, such as dried mint, za'atar, or freshly chopped herbs like parsley or dill.

Transfer the Labneh to a clean container and drizzle olive oil over the top to help preserve it.

Store the Labneh in the refrigerator, where it will continue to thicken and develop flavor.

Labneh can be enjoyed in various ways:

Spread it on bread or toast.

Serve it as a dip with vegetables, pita bread, or chips.

Use it as a creamy topping for salads or roasted vegetables.

Incorporate it into recipes like wraps, sandwiches, or pasta sauces.

Experiment with different seasonings and flavors to create your preferred variation of Labneh. Enjoy its creamy texture and tangy taste in your favorite dishes!

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